Thursday, March 5, 2009

So It's Been A While...

Hello to all three of you that actually read this blog. It's been quite a while since my last post but now that I'm back from training I have a lot more time to discuss some things. So what's happened since my last post... the Super Bowl which was a great game (although I'm a little disappointed the Cards didn't pull it off), A-Roid got caught doing what every other Baseball player has been doing for the past 20 or more years (I love Jose Canseco, he's always telling the truth), the start of NFL free agency and Fat Albert signing with the Skins (more on that later). What else, oh, the (we can't trade away our future even though the future is now) Caps didn't make any moves while every team they're competing with got stronger, and today's news, T.O. is homeless.

While I love that that crybaby got released, I'm a little worried that the Cowboys or Jerry Jones have finally screwed their heads on right. I was loving the Tank, Pacman, T.O. show. They were a time-bomb last year waiting to explode. Hopefully this divides their locker room into with/against T.O. factions. They still have the heartless, choking Tony Romo on their team, so that's good (I believe he was just as much a distraction as T.O).

On to the signing of "Fat" Albert. I am torn on this signing as are most Redskins fans. I mean yeah, his upside is great and he is a dominating player, that's a fact. But worth $100 million, I don't know. I've read that his deal is really a four year, $48 million contract, but my question is, couldn't they have addressed several needs for the same amount of money? They need D-line help, Linebacker help, O-line help, and some still say they need another WR. They could have addressed all these needs had they not signed him. I guess I'm glad that they finally decided to go after lineman. There was Dana Stubblefat and Sean Gilbert (we all know how those two turned out), but I'm cautiously optimistic that big Al will be a much better fit. Those others I previously mentioned didn't fit the Redskins defensive scheme. I don't believe that to be the case with Haynesworth. He is a monster no matter what scheme he's in.

Anyways, good to be back and I hope you enjoyed my latest addition.


  1. What does "new media douchebag" mean again?

  2. "Fat" Albert, as you call him, is just as bad as TO, Pacman, or Tank. Wasn't he suspeneded for stepping on some dudes face!? The skins messed up horribly by signing him and I hope they go for TO next, so that money hungry pig Snyder can collect millions of $'s of his idiot fans when they go buy the #81 jersey!

    Snyder needs to take lessons from Ted Leonsis!
